
Pic of me

I’m Daniel Ene, a Computer Science graduate keen on starting a career in artificial intelligence. Throughout my academic years and beyond I have experienced with various machine learning algorithms and statistical methods, as well as Python libraries that implement them. That includes TensorFlow, Keras, scikitlearn, numpy, pandas and matplotlib. My main language is Python. I have been coding in Python for about 5 years now, ever since I taught myself the language in 2016 before starting my degree. Thanks to various academic coursework, I am also comfortable coding in Java.

I hold a Masters in Computer Science from the University of Liverpool, where I graduated in 2020.

This website serves as both a project portfolio for prospective employers, as well as a knowledge base, a repository for some of my notes.

On a more personal note, I enjoy street dance, playing lacrosse and travelling. The picture above was taken in Monaco in 2019. I am up to date on topics ranging from current events to latest technologies. I read Reuters and the Economist every morning, and Medium articles often, on latest developments in the world of AI and cryptocurrencies, among others.

I love a good Netflix show. I usually look for something gripping. My top favourites from there (including Rotten Tomatoes rating and genre) are:

Notable mentions: Netflix StandUp comedians Dave Chapelle and Gabriel Iglesias.

Pic of me